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Aligning Brand Identity and Content Strategy for Success

Updated: Jan 11

Brands, like people, possess distinct personalities and values. They go to great lengths in pursuit of brand identity development, informed by their history, mission, target audience, and even the challenges they've faced. Through branding, marketing, and design, they craft a holistic reflection of this identity. Every piece of content a brand produces – whether it’s an article, video, Instagram story, or tweet (X-post?) – reflects this identity. But what happens when the content strategy goes astray? How does misalignment affect content marketing?

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Mountain Dew’s ill-fated "Felicia the Goat" video series. For those who don’t remember, "Felicia the Goat" was Mountain Dew’s attempt to spread its brand wings by creating a bold, edgy, youth-oriented advertising campaign through a collaboration with musician and visual artist Tyler, the Creator. Known for his provocative and unconventional style, Tyler, the Creator executed a series of branded Mountain Dew YouTube videos that were supposed to appeal to a younger, more avant-garde audience. Ten years on, it’s hard to remember, but YouTube was once considered a platform where younger, more avant-garde audiences might be found.

Mountain Dew hoped that this alignment with a cutting-edge artist would elevate its brand image, making it seem more contemporary and rebellious.

Unfortunately, it did none of that. "Felicia the Goat" turned out to be an epic failure in brand voice consistency and instead generated headlines calling it "arguably the most racist commercial in history."

The videos, filled with racial stereotypes and insensitive mockery of domestic violence, not only shocked viewers but were also completely out of sync with Mountain Dew's brand identity.

The backlash was severe. PepsiCo, the parent company, was forced to delete the videos from YouTube. The misalignment wasn't just a minor error; it was a stark violation of the values that many associate with a global brand. The intent to be cutting-edge and resonate with a specific audience had resulted in a critical miscalculation.

This incident is a stark lesson in the importance of ensuring that content strategy aligns not only with a brand's identity but also with broader social norms and values. The reputational damage from such a disconnect can be immense and long-lasting. Mountain Dew's attempt to be daring and contemporary had led to a disconnect that eroded trust.

In today's crowded marketplaces, brand identity is a beacon, setting one brand apart from its competitors. It's crafted meticulously through the interweaving of branding, marketing, and design. But a slip in the content can lead to confusion and dilute distinctiveness.


When your content doesn't echo your brand's persona, a disconnect occurs. This misalignment might not just be a minor hiccup—it could lead to a significant rift with far-reaching consequences. Let's explore why:

Confusion Clouds Connection

In today's digital landscape, the modern consumer is flooded with content marketing. Social media feeds, email newsletters, blog posts—everywhere they turn, another brand is vying for attention. When they encounter content marketing from a brand they recognize, they come in with certain expectations, informed by previous interactions and the brand's public image.

A sudden shift in tone or message can lead to confusion. It's as if a trustworthy friend started speaking in unfamiliar slang or promoting ideas that are completely at odds with what you know about them. In the world of marketing, confused customers rarely convert. They may click away, disregard the message, or even develop a negative association with your brand.

Erosion of Trust

Trust is hard to build and easy to lose. Keeping with the friend analogy, when your close friend started speaking and acting entirely out of character, you'd likely start to question if you truly knew them, at all. Similarly, when a brand's content doesn't align with its known identity, it raises questions about authenticity and credibility.

People buy from brands they trust. They follow them on social media, subscribe to their newsletters, and recommend them to friends. When that trust is eroded through inconsistent messaging or content that feels out of sync with the brand's values, it doesn't just impact a single sale or interaction—it can damage long-term customer relationships.

Diluted Distinctiveness

In crowded marketplaces, brand identity is more than just a logo or a catchy tagline—it’s what sets one brand apart from its competitors. This distinctiveness is crafted through careful strategy, design, messaging, and, crucially, content.

Misaligned content can dilute this distinctiveness, making the brand less memorable. If your content could belong to any of your competitors, what's to make consumers choose you?

The unique voice and perspective that should shine through every piece of content you create are what make your brand irreplaceable in the minds of your audience.

When this unique voice gets lost or confused with something that doesn't resonate with your brand's core identity, it's not just a lost opportunity—it's a step backward, undermining the hard work you've put into building a recognizable, trustworthy brand.

In a world where brand loyalty is increasingly hard to come by, ensuring that every piece of content resonates with your brand's identity is not just good marketing—it's essential to building and maintaining connections with the people who matter most: your customers.


Misalignment with a brand's identity is a challenge, but it's not insurmountable. Here's how organizations can bridge the gap:

  1. Know Thy Brand: Understanding your brand's core values, mission, and unique characteristics is the starting point. This means delving into your brand's history, analyzing the audience, and recognizing the challenges that shape your identity.

  2. Create a Content Style Guide: A content style guide that includes voice, tone, language, and visual cues can help everyone on your team understand how to represent the brand consistently across all types of content. It serves as a roadmap, keeping the brand's message coherent and unified.

  3. Monitor for Consistency: Regular checks on content across different channels can detect inconsistencies early. Use guidelines to ensure that your content stays aligned with your brand's voice and persona.

  4. Engage Your Audience: Encourage feedback and listen to how your audience perceives your brand. Their insights can help you refine your approach and ensure that your messaging resonates.

  5. Collaborate Across Teams: Encourage open communication between marketing, design, and content creation teams. Shared understanding and collaboration prevent silos that can lead to misalignment.

  6. Evaluate and Evolve: Brand alignment isn't a one-time task. Constant evaluation and flexibility to evolve with changing market dynamics are vital. Stay true to your core identity, but don't be afraid to adapt and grow.


Brands, like people, possess distinct personalities and values. A cohesive and authentic narrative is not just about marketing; it's about establishing a relationship with the audience, one that's built on trust, clarity, and a shared sense of purpose.

When your content resonates with your brand's persona, it becomes more than just a marketing tool; it becomes a compelling story that engages, inspires, and converts.

In a world where consumers are savvy and discerning, authenticity matters. Your brand's unique voice is your strongest asset. Mess with it at your own peril.

At Verses, we're committed to helping brands discover and amplify their unique voices, crafting content that's aligned, authentic, and resonant. If you'd like to learn more about how we can help your brand tell its story, we invite you to connect with us.

Verses Content, a leading Toronto content agency, specializes in branded content strategy development, creative video production and creative podcast production offering bespoke creative solutions that elevate your brand and engage your customers. Our expertise in creating tailored content solutions that resonate with your audience sets us apart. Partner with us for innovative and personalized content that drives results.


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